Seminars and Congresses
29 Ocak 2025

1. 2000 / May - Forensic Sciences Congress (Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine Department of Forensic Medicine Forensic Medicine Specialists Association / 32 hours)
2. 2001 / January - Forensic Medicine in Emergency (Emergency Medicine Specialists / 12 hours)
3. 2001 / April - Anemias Symposium (Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine / 16 hours)
4. 2001 / April - Annual Forensic Medicine Meetings (T.C. Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Institution Presidency / 18 hours)
5. 2002 / June - Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility Congress (Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine Department of Urology / 18 hours)
6. 2004 / May - Primary Health Care Services Symposium (12 hours)
7. 2006 / May - National Forensic Medicine Congress (Forensic Medicine Institution / 18 hours)
8. 2007 / September - Anatolian Forensic Sciences Congress (Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Forensic Medicine Department / 32 hours)
9. 2009 / June - Emergency Medicine Assistant Symposium (Turkish Emergency Medicine Association / 24 hours)
10. 2011 / May - Statistical Analysis Applications with SPSS Package Program in Medical Research (60 hours)
11. 2011 / May - Child Neglect and Abuse (TC. Ministry of Health Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt E.A.H. / 6 hours)
12. 2011 / June - Diagnosis in Emergency Medicine (24 hours)
13. 2013 / January - Forensic Medicine in Emergency (12 hours)
14. 2015 / November - R&D Project in Health Sciences (Public Hospitals Institution - 12 hours)