OUR HOSPITAL POLYCLINIC EXAMINATION HOURS Weekdays:09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:00 Weekends: 10:00 - 15:00 Weekend polyclinics are published every Friday; You can access them here.You can access it here.
PATIENT VISITING AND ACCOMPANYING HOURS Weekdays and weekends:13:30 - 14:30 / 19:00 - 20:00
Where and How Can I Get a Polyclinic Appointment?
You can make an appointment with our hospital after logging in from the homepage of our website, by calling Alo 182 orfrom the Central Physician Appointment System.
What Documents Should I Bring for Polyclinic Examination?
T.R. They must have their ID card with their ID number (Passport is sufficient for our foreign patients.) with them.
How Can I View My Examination Results After the Examination?
You can see it from the icon on the homepage of our website or by clicking on this link. In addition, the relevant data/information/records are available in the E-Pulse system.
What is a Healthy Aging Center (LIFE) and How to Apply?
In our hospital, we have a "Healthy Aging Center (LIFE)" service to support our individuals aged 80 and over to live active, productive and healthy lives.
In our hospital, in the LIFE polyclinic, health services of individuals aged 80 and over are visited at their homes and included in the monitoring program.
For the LIFE polyclinic: Ground floor Home Health Unit (Across from the blood collection unit)
1) General benefit from the service: Benefit from health services within the framework of the principles of Justice and Fairness. There is a right to receive service regardless of race, language, religion and sect, gender, philosophical belief, economic and social status.
2) Information and request for information: There is a right to learn about all kinds of health services and opportunities and to request all kinds of information about their health status verbally or in writing.
3) Choosing and changing the health institution and personnel: There is a right to choose and change the health institution and benefit from the health services provided in the health facility they choose, to learn the identities, duties and titles of the physicians and other health professionals who provide health services, to choose and change them.
4) Privacy: They have the right to receive all kinds of health services in an environment that is confidential.
5) Refusal, stopping and consent: There is a right to refuse treatment, to request its stopping, to have their consent obtained for medical interventions and to benefit from the service within the framework of their consent.
6) Security: To receive health services in a safe environment,
7) To be able to fulfill religious obligations: To fulfill religious obligations within the means of the health facility and within the framework of measures taken by the administration, the patient has the right
8) To respect human values, to be respected and to be comfortable: To receive health services with respect, care and attention, in a friendly, polite and compassionate environment, where all hygienic conditions are provided and all noisy and disturbing factors are eliminated.
9) To have visitors and accompanying persons: To receive visitors within the framework of the procedures and principles determined by health facilities and to have an accompanying person within the scope of the legislation and the means of the health facility and if the physician deems it appropriate.
10) Right to apply, complain and sue: In case of violation of their rights, the right to use all kinds of rights to apply, complain and sue within the framework of the legislation.
In recent years, the concept of “Patient Responsibility” has emerged in addition to patient rights. The content and scope of this concept has not yet been determined. However, in general, it can be described as the duties and obligations that the patient must fulfill before and after applying to a health institution. It is possible to dimension the patient's responsibilities. We can list them briefly:
1. General Responsibilities
1.1. Individuals should do their best to take care of their own health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.
1.2. If the person is suitable, they can donate blood or donate organs.
1.3. In simple cases, individuals should take care of themselves.
2. Social Security Status
2.1. The patient must report any changes in their health, social security and personal information on time.
2.2. The patient must have their health card (such as Bağ-Kur, Green Card) visa on time.
3. Informing Healthcare Workers
3.1. The patient must provide complete and complete information about their complaints, previous illnesses, whether they have received any inpatient treatment, the medications they are currently using, if any, and all their health-related information.
4. Compliance with Hospital Rules
4.1. The patient must comply with the rules and practices of the health institution he/she applies to.
4.2. The patient must comply with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and other social security institutions.
4.3. The patient is expected to cooperate with health workers during the treatment, care and rehabilitation process.
4.4. If the patient is using a health facility that provides service by appointment, he/she must comply with the appointment date and time and report any changes to the relevant authority.
4.5. The patient must comply with the rules and practices of the hospital staff, other patients and visiting
Patient Rights Unit For Transportation and Information: It is on the ground floor "Across from the Blood Collection Unit" and you can reach it by phone at +90 252 613 22 89. Patient Rights Unit and Patient Rights Regulation